No this isn't a post about those type of flowers, it's about book's I've read within the last 20 years, that I still own, yet can't believe I forget to REVIEW! haha

Here are a few that will be reviewed with in the next couple of weeks:

I finished this book about 3½ years ago and yet no review. I know, what is up with that!? I ♥'d this book! The movie STILL didn't do it justice (actually all the movies to date haven't done the books justice). This is one of those I spent about six hours finishing up on one of my best friend's cousins floors out in the bronx. I stayed up till the sun almost came up and was pretty exhausted! But it was worth it! This is a must needed review!

This was read WAY back in 1999 when it first came out (I own a first edition *american edition*! Thank you mom for buying it for me ☺). I remember reading the first one and finished it faster than any book I've ever read that was a big chapter book. Then when 'The Chamber of Secrets' came out, I bugged my parents for this so BADLY! And they gladly abliged to buy because they believed in positive reinforcment of treating me to books (I was the kid at the mall that would beg my parents to go to the book store, not the toy store or a candy story nor a clothing story, THE BOOK STORE! lol and they always let me get a book). I do know that my HP books are getting saved for my kids!

Another american first edition as well! I cannot remember how I received this copy, but I do know my parents gave it to me as a surprise. Anyway, this was such a great story! Finding out more about Harry's past made me crave more of the wizarding world! Being in middle school and obsessed about the books was odd, but luckily I had friends that loved them too haha So I wasn't completely alone in my book world. But yes this is one that I have to review. Shame, shame on me!

I'm going to shoot myself in the foot, because this is my favorite book out of the series (I still have yet to finish the 5th one and read the last two *oops!*). But I couldn't stop reading this book. I received it as a package during July of 2000 at camp. I wasn't the only one in my book either. But i was the only one so magnetically unable to put it down, that I hid three times in the bathroom during bunk clean up, that I once got in trouble haha. I was so under the spell of this novel! I'll have to tell more in my fourth coming review.

I also wanted to review a few books as one post mostly because some are just flat out in a huge series. For instance, I read a lot of the 'American Girl' novels. I also read the entire 'Sweet Valley Jr. High' series. And I was also a big avid fan of 'Goosebumps'. So expect some tween book reviews on here, mostly felt it might be good if anyone is a parent and wanted something for their child to read. I'm a huge supporter of kids reading.

Can't wait to review all these books and share with you some stories that went along with the books!